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Freshmen Package - online courses for new BME students

First of all, congratulations on your successful admission! It is not news to say that the BME years offer unrivalled opportunities and challenges for all students. Nor is it news that you need to study in a different way than at high school.

Courses for freshmen

We see exactly what "different way" means for a newcomer. Research from previous years has shown that exam stress and time management issues are the biggest difficulties for BME freshmen. Interestingly, developing time management skills also ranked high for them in terms of future career prospects.

Consequently, we believe that not only new students, but also upper year students will find this package very useful. It's not too late to start as a senior!

Our Freshman Package courses are free, available online, and provide personalized knowledge on the following topics:

  • Goal setting: learn about your habits, your goals and your values
  • Effective studying: discover new ways of studying that work for you
  • Time management: manage time consciously
  • Stress management: new challenges bring stress which, above a certain level, will hinder you, so it's worth learning to manage it

How do the courses work?

In the Freshmen Package courses, we will ask you self-awareness questions on the most important topics for university adaptation, to help you clarify your current situation and think about what habits you should change.

  • We can suggest a range of ways to make these changes. Learn about them and try them out! There will be some that suit you and some that don't, it depends on your personality.
  • When you find a method that suits you, practice it as much as you can until it becomes routine. This way you can develop a habit that you will be very grateful for in your later years at university.

How to get started? Which course should I start with first?

  • If you don't know where to start, choose the Goal setting course. In it you will learn how to analyse your situation, how to prepare for change and how to build a realistic goal.
  • If you're putting a lot of time and effort into learning but not seeing results, you probably need to improve your learning methodology: this is the Effective Studying course.
  • If you find it difficult to find time to study, or if you find that studying takes time away from other important things, you may need to improve your time management, so take Time Management course.
  • If the emotional pressures of time management and study demands are so great that you've become anxious or procrastinate, take the Stress Management course first so you can start the rest with a cool head.

If you remain clueless, don't worry. Whichever course you start with, you can't go wrong, as each course will support you in your studies. And within your current course, you will be able to see exactly where you can improve and which other courses you should choose.

You can graduate without a Freshmen Package, but why...

We are sure that there will be students who will graduate without the Freshmen Package. It is also certain that some students may already know parts of the courses from their previous studies. That said, we believe that the knowledge and self-awareness you gain from our courses will help you to be as successful as possible in achieving your goals.

Our courses are self-paced, free and entirely online. All you need is:

  • an internet connection,
  • MS Teams (requires a BME email address, more info here) and
  • a valid application.

GOAL SETTING online course

There isn't a single magical method that will instantly teach everyone how to achieve their dreams. However, we can certainly help you gain insight into yourself and your goals.

Join us in the course if you want tips on achieving, rethinking, or finding your goals!

For Freshmen *** For Upperclassmen ** For Graduates ***



EFFECTIVE STUDY online course

Are you sure your study methods are a good fit for your university curriculum? Discover new strategies for new challenges!

At the university, you need to learn a much larger amount of material in a shorter period, and the workload is not evenly distributed. Continuous and effective studying can be challenging - not just during exam periods!

Check out our course to learn some facts about the learning process and to acquire new strategies for achieving good grades!

For freshmen *** For upperclassmen ** For seniors *



TIME MANAGMENT online course

Are you always running out of time? Do you procrastinate facing with that problem? Take your time, apply for this course, and you will have enough time for everything else.

As a student of BME you are your own time manager: you have to organize and distribute the time between your activities. So, your timetable can be geared to your biorhythm, but time-robbing activities can be more harmful than ever.

If you want to avoid the trap of procrastination and be efficient as much as you would like to, come with us!

For Freshmen *** For Upperclassmen ** For Graduates ***




Stress-free life is a boring fairytale! Especially as a student.
Come over your fear and get the bogeyman on your side. We have some idea, how to...

Get to know the sunny and the dark side of the stress, and your own perspective. Try out our package of exercises to support yourself in stressful events.

We offer easy, short, online psychology readings, full of useful figures and pictures. Learn at your own pace independently, possibility to ask & share. Apply now!

For Freshmen *** For Upperclassmen ** For Graduates ***